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MUST READ!!! 10 crazy and shocking things desperate girls do to get married

MUST READ!!! 10 crazy and shocking things desperate girls do to get married

Never underestimate the power of a desperate girl to get married…. See what they do below 1. Snatching a friend or relation’s man. All is fair in love and war! Rumour has it that women have resorted to locking their phones, hiding their men and coding their gist from so-called friends cos it’s a jungle out there… 2. Re-inventing themselves.

Pretence is the order of the day. No man wants to tame the shrew or teach the inexperienced or make an honest woman out of a dishonest one so once marriage is desired, women package themselves in pseudo, ready-made, easy-to-use, highly desirable packages. After marriage, what you see is what you get! 3. Trapping him with pregnancy.

This used to be the old school method of getting a man to propose. From skipping the pill to seducing the man or getting him drunk when she was ovulating, a woman usually knew she had the man where she wanted him once she missed her period even if there was no commitment. Now the guys are saying YES to baby mamas and YES to child support.

 Are the girls deterred? NO! The girls have stepped up their game by involving the parents and you know parents don’t like scandals. 4. Praying&Fasting. This would presumably be an honourable means of obtaining a husband but sometimes the prayers are offered up to deities other than God & other times it becomes a song permanently on repeat.
5. Taking his photograph to places for a prophetess to pray over or a powerful Alfa. Heard it works like a charm.

 6. Taking his sperm, hair or personal effects to herbalist. Guys, disposing off your condoms yourself is not such a bad idea…

 8. Putting love portion in his food! This is classic and timeless but shouldn’t it be called a ‘compelling’ portion? Because in this case, love is by force! 9. Saying YES to a man you despise! A woman has two classes of men usually on her case. The ‘correct’ guys and the ‘disgos’. The disgos usually end up as rebounds but many a woman has shocked a despondent toaster with a sudden ‘Yes’ and men have agreed that truly there is nothing God cannot do!

 10. Proposing to a guy! Yes it does happen… (Who wears the engagement ring?)

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Posted by Ruleyourworld, Published at 4:40 AM and have 0 comments

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