Many relationships that are in existence today are suffering from this single act of cheating, and cheating has been one of the most prominent situation many people face in their relationships. But why do people cheat in relationships? I keep asking myself this question and i found no definite answer to this cause, maybe they feel like cheating and they see it as a normal thing in any relationship. Not everyone is perfect in dating, and sometimes cheating comes as a mistake and not intentional, also when your relationship starts getting boring or melting in sweetness, then your partner might want to get another someone to give them the hotness they need, even when they know they are still in love with you.
When you love someone and you find out that he or she is cheating on you, it always hurt and if you are just suspecting that your partner is cheating on you, then here are some clues to know that your partner is cheating on you in the relationship. 1. Hiding her calls and texts from you. This is one sure sign that your partner is cheating behind your back. When you started the relationship, your partner seemed confident enough to pick calls in your presence and even allow you access to her text messages. But now you observe that your partner always get nervous when someone calls or texts their phone in your presence.
When they get a call when you are around and instead of answering the call in your presence, they go out to answer the call, then you should just take it that your partner is cheating in the relationship. This is just a good sign that you must watch out for because if the caller was their mom, dad, friend, co-worker or any family member, they will not be afraid of answering those calls in your presence. 2. Your partner starts giving excuses for not hanging out with you.
This is another crucial point that will tell you your partner is cheating. When the relationship was new and still alive, your significant other is always ready to hang out with you, they are always ready spear their free time for you and you always stay overnight together with each other. But now, what are you getting? Is your significant other always giving you excuses for not hanging out with you?
Do they always tell you they are having work overtime and so can not hangout? Or do your partner find excuses not to spend much time together with you anymore, or just keep making excuses everyday and always? When these excuses come up almost every day or every time, then chances are that your partner is spending all those moments with the person they are cheating with. If your partner is not cheating, the relationship will always be growing and things will keep getting fun. But if the other is cheating, you find out that the relationship is dying down and things keep getting worst.
3. Your partner is now more secretive and don’t talk about personal matters with you. Normally when a relationship is still in good shape and condition, there are no secrets and even the past secrets are told in the course of the relationship, and your partner will always tell you about their personal matters that they cant make known to others. But what now happens and what will tell you that your other is cheating? They stop telling you anything personal and they refuse to tell you any new secret about them and about the things happening behind the door.
That’s just a good sign to tell you that your partner is cheating on you because if they still love you and are not stabbing you from the back, they will have no reason to hold secrets and keep things from you. 4. False accusation and complaints. When your partner is cheating on you, that is when you find them accusing you of what you know you are not doing, and you keep hearing them complaining about every little mistake you do. The most common of this false accusation is when your partner keep saying you are cheating and suspecting that you are doing something at their back.
All these accuses are done in a bid to make you leave or make you end the relationship so they can continue enjoying their new life with a new partner. When you see this sign occurring and reoccurring, then just know that your significant other has something cooking at the back door.
5. Your partner takes new interest in appearance. Maybe you use to know your partner as someone who does not do too much of shaving and dressing up always as a man, or as a woman, you know that your girlfriend previously do not always do lots of make ups or go dress shopping always. But when all these habits change and you recently found out that your partner just took new interest in their looks and they like dressing up, then its possible that your partner just saw someone new and then, they are trying to keep up on their looks so that the other new person will find them attractive and nice. 6. Change in s3xual interest and body languages.
There are two forms this changes can take, it can be that your partner is no more interested in having s3xual activities with you, or you find out that your partner does not want you to be touching them again. This will tell you that they are no more interested in you, and then all those other signs are already there and when you add them up together, you will find out that loss of attraction have taken over and your partner hardly allows you to even kiss, not to talk of taken of their shirts for you.
The problem here is that no relationship can be fun without the normal touches and body language actions, and when those things start to be absent in the relationship, then you must check out for the possible reasons why it is happening. Also, s3x is another thing altogether, and when you have been indulging in s3xual activities and just of recent, your partner no more have interest in getting intimate with you, then they have lost the pleasure they have in you and maybe they have gotten someone new they invest their whole s3xual energy on.
These are just some of those signs that if you start noticing them in your relationship, then you should just know that your partner is cheating in the relationship. And sometimes, it does not really imply that your partner is cheating in the relationship when those things happen, but when they do happen always and they keep occurring repeatedly, then its easy to say that your partner is cheating on you.
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